Alderyn is a Dutch electronic producer duo consisting of Joep (Jim) Smeele and Rinze (Ray) Hofstee. Known for their House music as SICK INDIVIDUALS, they created Alderyn to explore musical styles beyond their usual genre. They began experimenting with sounds in 2019 with the release of "Scars." In 2022, Alderyn was introduced, allowing for a fresh and unrestricted creative journey. They continued their exploration of new sounds with the release of "Tu Es Partout," drawing inspiration from their interest in the French music scene. With Alderyn, Jim and Ray embrace musical discovery, opening new doors and broadening their artistic horizons.
Alderyn is a Dutch electronic producer duo consisting of Joep (Jim) Smeele and Rinze (Ray) Hofstee. Known for their House music as SICK INDIVIDUALS, they created Alderyn to explore musical styles beyond their usual genre. They began experimenting with sounds in 2019 with the release of "Scars." In 2022, Alderyn was introduced, allowing for a fresh and unrestricted creative journey. They continued their exploration of new sounds with the release of "Tu Es Partout," drawing inspiration from their interest in the French music scene. With Alderyn, Jim and Ray embrace musical discovery, opening new doors and broadening their artistic horizons.